Articles/ Chapters

  1. Pradeep Kumar and Satish Chandra (2022), Manual on Pavement Evaluation Techniques, Khanna Publishing, ISBN 939254915-6.
  2. Goel, R. and others (2022), State of the Art Report on Use of FRP bars in Highway Projects, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
  3. Goel, R. and others (2022), Guidelines on Use of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Bars in Highway Projects, (Part 1: Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Bars), Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi.
  4. Rathore, A. and Garg, R.K. (2022), Assessing Resilience of Transportation Networks under Multi-hazards: A Review Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, Volume 183. March 2022. (
  5. Garg S., Singh P., Gupta B., Garg R.K. (2021), Manipulation of Standard Link Mechanism for Robotic Application Using Artificial Neural Network and PID. Machine Learning for Robotics Application-Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol 960, April 2021 Springer Singapore.
  6. Goel, R., Lakshmy P. and SK Sharma (2022), Practical Hand Book on Cross Drainage Structures and Bridges, (Part-1: Cast Insitu RCC Box Culvert), National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency.
  7. Gaur, M., Kar, S. S. & Shukla, A. (2022), Mitigation Strategies of Greenhouse Gas Control: Policy Measures. In Greenhouse Gases: Sources, Sinks and Mitigation (pp. 231-254). Springer, Singapore.
  8. Ramya, M., Bharath, G., and Gangadhar, N. (2021), Contributed in one chapter, Urban Mining for Waste Management and Resource Recovery: Sustainable Approaches, Contributed for the 7th Chapter: Utilization of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Material (RAP) as a Part of Bituminous Mixtures, U.S.A, 1st Edition, CRC Press, ISBN-10: 1032061790.
  9. Rakesh Kumar and Pankaj Goel (2022), Performance of curing compounds in development of strength in concrete mix to be used in the construction of Rigid Pavements, New Building Materials & Construction World, Vol. 27 (09): 68-78.
  10. Parida, M., Patnala, P.K., Hrelja, R., Chalumuri, R.S. (2022), Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) as a Sustainable Transport Strategy for Metropolitan Cities. Transportation Research in India. Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Springer, Singapore.
  11. Errampalli, M. (2022), Design and Evaluation of Public and Non-motorized Transport Systems for Sustainability in Indian Cities, In: Maurya, A.K., Vanajakshi, L.D., Arkatkar, S.S., Sahu, P.K. (eds) Transportation Research in India. Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Springer, Singapore (2022). (
  12. Errampalli, M., Tavasszy, L. and Borst, J. (2021), Freight Modelling and Policy Analysis for Megacities: The Case of New Delhi. Freight Transport Modeling in Emerging Countries, Elsevier Publishers (2021), pp. 213-240. ISBN 978-0-12-821268-4. (
  13. Rina Singh (2021), Toxic risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles when used in Ink formulations, in an Elsevier book, Smart Multifunctional Nano-Inks: Fundamentals and Emerging Applications, Editors: Prof Ram K. Gupta, Prof. T. A. Nguyen. ISBN: 9780323911450, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-91145-0.00023-2.
  14. Rina Singh (2021), Nanosecond pulsed laser-plasma interaction, Plasma at the Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-89930-7.00010-8, Elsevier, Paperback ISBN: 9780323899307, Editors: Huaihe Song, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Abdeltif Amrane, Aymen Amine Assadi, Ghulam Yasin.
  15. Pradeep Kumar and Madhevendra Sharma (2022), Functional Condition Evaluation of Airfield Pavements using Automated Road Survey System, A Case study of Small Sized Airport, Editors: Pasindu H.R., Bandara S., Mampearachchi W.K., Fwa T.F., Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 193. Springer, Cham, (, Part of the Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (LNCE, volume 193), Issue 93, pp 185-196.
  16. Madhavendra Sharma and Pradeep Kumar (2022), Assessment of Present Pavement Condition Using Machine Learning Techniques, Editors: Pasindu H.R., Bandara S., Mampearachchi W.K., Fwa T.F., Road and Airfield Pavement Technology. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 193. Springer, Cham., Part of the Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (LNCE, volume 193), Issue 193, pp. 71-82.
  17. Avanish Singh, Rakesh Kumar, and Pankaj Goel (2022), Experimental study on MOC cement based micro concrete for repairing of wide cracks in concrete pavement slab, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (LNCE, volume 193) Roads and Airfield Pavement Technology, 193: 141-149. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87379-0, Publisher Springer.
  18. Pankaj Goel and Rakesh Kumar (2022), A comparative investigation on the effectiveness of a wax and a resin-based curing compound as an alternate of water curing for concrete pavement slab, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (LNCE, volume 193) , Roads and Airfield Pavement Technology, 193: 575-583. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87379-0_43, Publisher Springer.
  19. Singh, Manmeet, Kumar Ravindra (2021), Traffic Analysis and Forecast for Meghalaya Road Network, Lecture Note in Civil Engineering, Nature Singapore Distancing Norms for Transportation in COVID-19 - Need and Challenges New Delhi, India,Springer.
  20. Mer, H., Rao, A.M., Shukla, R.N. (2022), "Calibrating and Validation of Microsimulation Model for Indian Heterogeneous Traffic Flow, A Case Study, Editors: In Shah, J., Arkatkar, S.S., Jadhav, P., Intelligent Infrastructure in Transportation and Management, Studies in Infrastructure and Control. Springer, Singapore. (, pp. 13 – 22).
  21. Ravi Sundaram, Jagdish Shahu, Vasant Havanagi, (2019),Co-edited a book on “Geotechniques forTransportation Infrastructure” – Recent developments, Upcoming Technologies and New concepts” (Vol.1:ISBN 978-   981-13 6701-4),  Vol 2. ISBN 978-981-13-6713-7 (eBooks) (Proc. ISGTI-2018) ,   Published by Springer
  22. A. K. Sinha, V. G. Havanagi and G. S. Parvathi, (2019), Utilization of waste materials in Road Construction. New Building Materials & Construction World (NBM&CW), New Delhi, Vol. 25 (3) pp. 78 – 88.
  23. A K Sinha, M Vinoth, S Ravi Shanker and V G Havanagi, (2020), Characterisation of Foundry Sand Waste Material for Road Construction. Accepted for publication in New Building Materials & Construction World (NBM&CW), New Delhi. Vol. 25 (9), pp. 74 – 85.
  24. Singh A., Kanchan K. and Kumar R. (2020). "Emerging Alternate Cements for Construction Industry", New Building Materials and Construction World (NBM&CW), Vol.25 (7), pp. 182-189.
  25. Kota, S. and Kumar, P., (2019), "A Systematic Approach for Development of Pavement Maintenance Management System", NBM & CW, Infra Construction and Equipment Magazine, Vol.25 (3), pp.102-104.
  26. Kumar B., (2019). “Whitetopping: Durable and Cost Effective Solution for City Roads”, New Building Materials and Construction World (NBM&CW), Vol.25(3), pp. 90-94,
  27. Rao, V.V.L.K., Lincy, V. and Lakshmy, P. (2019). “Nanosilica as a Supplementary Cementitious Admixture in Concrete”. CE&CR Special Issue: Concreting Special”, Civil Engineering and Construction Review, 32(6), pp. 36-42
  28. आलोक रंजन, योगेन्‍द्र सिंह, तथा कुमार शशि भूषण (2019), ‘भूमि के अंतर्गत संचरित तरंगों की प्रकृति’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 18, जून 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  29. निधि, ललिता मेहरा (2019), ‘बौद्धिक संपदा अधिकार एवं इसके महत्व’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 18, जून 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  30. विजय कुमार कन्नौजिया, अनिल कुमार सिन्हा, तथा पी एस प्रसाद (2019), ‘ब्लेंकेट सामग्रियों के मिक्स डिजाइन की जांच और समीक्षा करना’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 18, जून 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  31. एस पदमा, जे नटराजू, ई मधु, तथा रविन्‍द्र कुमार (2019), ‘लाइन चॉइस संभाव्यता की गणना ट्रांजिट स्टॉप पर उलटी गिनती जानकारी - दिल्ली बस ट्रांजिट नेटवर्क के एक खंड के लिए केस स्टडी’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 18, जून 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  32. रवींद्र कुमार, तथा नेहा चौधरी (2019), ‘पायथन प्रोग्रामिंग और इमेज प्रोसेसिंग का उपयोग कर वाहन गिनती और वर्गीकरण’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 18, जून 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  33. आलोक रंजन (2019), ‘जल - एक अद्भुत प्राकृतिक वरदान’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 18, जून 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  34. कामिनी गुप्ता, नीलिमा चक्रवर्ती, तथा राजन वर्मा (2019), ‘सड़क सुरक्षा में चालकों के व्यवहारिक कुशलता के आकलन हेतु नेत्र ट्रैकर का उपयोग’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 19, दिसंबर 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  35. नेहरिका टी.गायकवाड़, तुषार बागुल, अशोक मोरे, तथा रवींद्र कुमार (2019), ‘प्लास्टिक कचरे से उत्‍पन्‍न ऊर्जा ईंधन के लक्षण और इसके प्रभाव’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 19, दिसंबर 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  36. आलोक रंजन (2019), ‘संवेदनशील उपकरणों एवं महत्वपूर्ण संरचनाओं के परिरक्षण के लिए हल्के एवं रंध्रयुक्त पदार्थों की उपयोगिता’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 19, दिसंबर 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  37. अमरेश कुमार, मयूर अख्‍तर, के सीतारामनजनेयुलु, तथा प्रदीप कुमार (2019), ‘सड़कों के निर्माण और रखरखाव के लिए नवीन प्रौद्योगिकियां’, ‘सड़क दर्पण’, अंक 19, दिसंबर 2019, सीआरआरआई, नई दिल्ली
  38. संजय चौधरी, तथा नित्यानंद चौधरी (2019), ‘तकनीक से हासि‍ल निर्मल जल’, ‘जल चेतना’, खंड 8,  अंक 1, वर्ष 2019, प्रष्ठों सं. 61-64.
  39. संजय चौधरी, तथा नित्‍यानंद चौधरी (2019), ‘सड़क दुर्घटनाओं में वृद्धि के परिप्रेक्ष्य में सड़क सुरक्षा कानून में बदलाव की आवश्यकता’, ‘जि‍ज्ञासा’, अंक 33, वर्ष 2019, आईआईटी दिल्‍ली, प्रष्ठों 111-117, ISSN 2349-560X
  40. A. Singh, N. Kaur, and S. Bhalla (2018), “Waste to Energy: Piezoelectric energy harvesting from Vehicular Movements”, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering-Springer (This was originally part of the Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering)
  41. U. K Vittal and V.K. Kanaujia  (2018),  ''Experimental Study on Tunnel Excavation Muck for Road Construction", Published in New Building Materials and Construction World, New Delhi, 24 (3), September 2018, pp.100-106.
  42. Rina Singh (2018), “Importance of Nanoscience in Pavement Engineering and Environment Sector”, Nano Digest, 2018, 10 (4), April 2018, pp.28-34.
  43. Rina Singh and R.K. Soni (2019), “Laser-Induced Heating Synthesis of Hybrid Nanoparticles, in book: Noble Metal-Metal Oxide Hybrid Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Applications”, January 2019 Edited by Dr. Tuan Anh Nguyen, Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-814134-2.00011-5,
  44. R. Kumar, (2019), “Repair of Scaled Surface Areas of Newly Constructed Cement Concrete Pavement”, New Building Material & Construction World, 24, 70-78. ISSN 0973-0591.
  45. Rajeev Goel (2018), “Load testing of continuous span bridges”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review, 31(10), October 2018, pp.52-61.
  46. Rajeev Goel and G.K. Sahu (2018), “Seismic vulnerability assessment and strengthening of existing reinforced concrete buildings”, New Building Materials and Construction World, 23 (11), May 2018, pp. 140-150.
  47. S.S. Kar and M. N. Nagabhushana (2018), “Cold Mix Technology For Rural Roads”, Civil Engineering and Construction Review, 31(4), April 2018, pp. 76-80